Making Commercial Properties Safe

Is your team prepared to respond to major security incident?

Property management teams and property owners must ensure the best possible steps are taken during and after a major incident for the protection of life and property.  Advance planning and training is vital prior to an incident occurring .
Decisions made in the heat of the moment without out or little planning will not work as well as those that have been thought through and planned in advance.



Making Commercial Properties Safe

Our unique approach to commercial property security is designed by law enforcement professionals using the principles of community policing.

Policing and the criminal justice system across the nation have changed drastically over the last 3 years and will continue to change. One of the most impactful changes has been the decrease in the prosecution of retail theft and other property crimes. This issue has been compounded by the challenges that local government has experienced in recruiting and retaining law enforcement officers.

Police Departments around the country are struggling to meet minimum staffing levels. These issues have forced the local police departments to change operating standards, often affecting the level of service being provided to commercial centers and the victims of property crimes.

Socially conscious retailers have also changed policies pertaining to retail theft and policies for interactions with law enforcement. Retailers are concerned with the safety of their employees, the liability of stopping shoplifters, and the social repercussions if the detainment of a shoplifter goes wrong.

The combination of these factors has created an atmosphere where commercial centers have become attractive locations for individuals or organized criminal groups to commit property crimes. Under the current policies, these activities are lucrative and carry less risk than other criminal activities. 


Commercial Property Security Evaluations

As a first step, our staff evaluates the current conditions of the property and drafts a comprehensive report on current operation and enhancement recommendations based on the five (5) key components.

Security Infrastructure

Our staff evaluates the security infrastructure, security cameras, security systems, lighting, and landscaping of the property with an on-site assessment. An evaluation report is completed on the current conditions of these areas and provides enhancement recommendations.

Local Police Collaboration

Just as important as the employees, contractors, and tenants, the local police department, especially those who are assigned to the area of the property, have a wealth of information pertaining to the criminal activity on the property and surrounding areas. They also can assist by sharing their insight on determining security encasements specific to the needs of the property, as well as providing reports of additional negative patterns that may be occurring in and around the site.

Security Officer Operations

Our staff evaluates the current security operations, which entails security officer coverage, scheduling, reporting systems, customer security officer activity auditing tools, the scope of services, and security standard operating procedures for the property. An evaluation report is completed on the current operations with enhancement recommendations.

Use of Crime Data 

When available, our staff reviews crime and police activity data for the property. This is a good resource when combined with the information obtained from employees, contractors, and tenants since not all crimes are reported to the police. As part of the evaluation report, our staff will provide a summary of the criminal and police activity.

Employee and Tenant Engagement

Commercial property employees, contractors, and tenants are the eyes and ears of the property. They hold a wealth of information about what is occurring on the property, which sometimes is not reported to law enforcement. As part of the evaluation report, our staff will engage with employees, contractors, and tenants of the property to obtain feedback on the security of the property for our evaluation report.

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1 E Erie St
Suite 525-3255
Chicago, IL 60611


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